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Défilés on line Haute Couture été 07

Jean-Paul Gaultier’s Homage to all the Madonnas

Pilgrimage in incense fumes. The appearances follow one another, going down from the sky in a boreal light. For a Virgin with the Child effect, a stained glass dress goes with a well stuffed Jesus in shoulder-belt. A tailor is covered with silver ex-voto’s. The fine lace of a gown agrees with holy pictures in Jacquard medallion of silk, as black and white engravings. The Madonnas become virgins of music hall, just as Ziegfield Follies: aureoles of hair bored in flashes, very light feathers of bird of paradise, taking almost the volume of an Indian cap. At the top: the gold aureole, in lightning glory, masks the face and opens as one hold up a monstrance. A goldsmith work. Dita Von Teese, stripper in front of the eternal, descends also the large staircase, like a providence, fingers in the air in a gracious gesture with an extreme control. When Jean-Paul Gaultier visits an inspiring topic, he manages to exhaust his subject, to draw so many ideas from it that it is a delight for the spirit as much as for the eyes.

Translation P. Fleming

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