
Défilés on line

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Défilés on line

Eley Kishimoto

… Hôtel de Bourbon Condé, 41 boulevard des Invalides

Set in the elegant 18th century courtyard of the Parisian hotel de Bourbon Condé (built in 1780 by Brongniart), Eley Kishimoto’s first menswear show was entitled “B.B. Warr Assoc.” after the team who souped up the customized VW GTI driven by Mark Eley in the 2005 edition of the Gumball Rally. Engines roared in the soundtrack as girl “mechanics” dolled up in EK overalls lovingly polished the Golf GTI; Gary Numan’s 1979 hit “Cars” launched the show. Smartly attired young men in Op Art printed suits, polo shirts, windbreaker and Bermuda outfits walked around the gravel paths, with ties offhandedly slid under tee-shirts. A fresh, airy, high-spirited launch collection.

Denyse Beaulieu
Snapshots by Ana Bloom

Press: Pressing