
Défilés on line

Retour FemmeEté 2006

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Défilés on line

Femme Eté 2006

AF Vandevorst
…… l’Elysée Montmartre

Three white-clad silhouettes appear through three doorways on the stage of the Elysée Montmartre. As if by magic, three black-draped silhouettes superimpose themselves, start moving, climb down the stairs to the catwalk… By opening their show with a conjuring trick, An Vandevorst and Filip Atricks carry on with their spectacular stagings (their winter collection was presented on an ice-skating rink). The clothes play on a more discreet level of metamorphosis – a dress, seen from the back, becomes a pantsuit; knife pleats are worked in trompe l’oeil; ruffles, drapés and wandering puffs are pinned with buttons masquerading as badges. In keeping with the season’s non-colour mood, the palette is pared down to black, white and sand tones. Oversize jersey sweaters over black leggings, loose unhooked corsets, long knife-pleat gowns casually gathered to the front or to the back, modernized with motorcycle boots: a prettily casual, yet sculptural collection.

Denyse Beaulieu
Photos : Vincent Lappartient / Julien Mignot

Press : Totem/ Kuki de Salvertes