
Défilés on line

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Défilés on line

Ann Demeulemeester

… at Carreau du Temple

Denyse Beaulieu / Pictures : Catherine Thiry

Let’s say it right out: the beautiful girls who walked out under swirling snowflakes, with their crimped hair halos… well, we’d love to be like them. To be them. To loot some ancestral attic and come out with Napoleonic frock coats, wrinkled and time-worn, to hitch up Victorian dresses in big puffs under jackets and over trousers, with biker boots for a freer, prouder stride. To hook jet necklaces all over, as half-belts, shoulder straps, amulets. To make ruffs and jabots out of fur shreds. To be rock’n’roll, nostalgic and modern all at once. As always, Ann Demeulemeester vision, a strict projection of her own persona, brings an extreme coherence to her collection. The essence of her seduction is to draw us towards her tough and romantic siren.

Press : Michèle Montagne