
Défilés on line

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Défilés on line


....à l Espace Ephémère Tuileries

Denyse Beaulieu / photos : Vincent Lappartient

What could be more now than this season’s Chloé presentation ? The sweet, hippie chic feeling of the brand is spot on zeitgeist: there isn’t a young woman today who wouldn’t love to slip on one of the pretty, 70’s revisits Victoriana silk, chiffon or velvet dresses on show. And then, there is Phoebe Philo, who could well be a figurehead of what is means to be a contemporary designer: she has star quality without the 90’s diva arrogance, acting first and foremost as a team leader. Much has been made of her decision to let her team carry out her designs while she took three months off on maternity leave, and it is her team who came to take the bow. There isn’t a young woman today who couldn’t identify with this blend of daring – eclipsing herself just as her career is taking off --, management qualities and generous team spirit.

Press: Marie Jacoupy